Spiritual Letter 47 - Original Version                           About Spiritual Letter 47
Title: - "Are You Really Ready To Start Again?"
Date: April 25, 2003
Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Written to: Ms. Susan Sontag - author (see Web Page: www.SusanSontag.com)

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
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Outline of Spiritual Letter:

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1.  Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 47
2.  A little Bit About Susan - about the wisdom points shared in her interview
3.  A Little Bit About Louie - about his life in the world for the last 64 years
4.  A Little Bit About Our Age - about the reason for any of us living in this age, and about the gift of God for our age, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, that God has hidden within all of the Children of God for this age, which is all of us living in this age, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we want it or not, as our true heritage, as our true birth right, as the true destiny of our soul, as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us
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5.  A Little Bit About Bawa - about Bawa as the "Name of the Reason" we are here, as the "Name of the Gift of God" within us, about Bawa as the "Name of our Wisdom", of our higher levels of consciousness, that can if we like, reveal the truth of our lives, hidden by God within the wisdom of our life, about Bawa as the Shaikh or Teacher of God within us for our age, joined as One with God within us, that can if we like, "teach us what we do not know", and bring to an end what we in our ignorance have started within us, which is "us" as "separate from" God within us, and can complete what God in His understanding has also started within us, which is "us" as "One with" God within us, and about Bawa as the "Name of How" we become successful in our life, before we die, as the "Name of How" our wisdom can successfully "reason over our fate" within us, before we die, before we are dragged off to the angel of Death within us, by our karma, fate, and false destiny, and then must experience the suffering of the grave, Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), and eventually an eternal life of "separation from" God, all occurring within each of us both before and after we die
6A Little Bit About Our Current State - about what has happened to us, and what is just waiting to happen to each of us, both if, and if not, we fail to awaken to our own reality, before we die, and having awakened to "who in truth we really are", if we truly let it happen within us, if we truly realize, understand, accept, and join with the reality of our own life, and disappear within it, before we die, as an apple seed that realizes, understands, accepts, and joins with the "truth that emerges from within it, joins with the earth, germinates, and then disappears within the apple tree hidden within it, before it rots in the earth, before it dies to its "false life" buried in the earth, forever breaking its connection to its "true life", to the story of the apple tree that it came to the earth, to join with the earth, to tell
7.  A Little Bit About Us, About Each of Us - about "us" as the "Seed of True Man" within us, as the "Seed of the Tree of God" within us, as the Light of God to the world within us, within the Creation of God within us
8.  A Little Bit About True Man - within the Creation of God within us
9.  A Little Bit About God - within the Creation of True Man within us
10.  Closing Comments & Prayer - get God to do it again, to reveal True Man within the Creation of God, but this time within you, and get True Man to do it again, to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, but this time within you.  Then we will be successful in our life.  Anything less than this, is less than this, is less than "who we are".  Know this now, my dearest loving sister Susan Sontag, and start to act accordingly, and join with your "own life speaking to you", join with your loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), to just get out the word to all of our brothers and sisters, to let them know about "who they already are", to let them know about what True Man and God has given them for this age, which is "True Man and God happening" within them, in order to be successful in this age, in this age where "In ignorance man thinks that he is god, while in truth He is."
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Text of Spiritual Letter - Page 1
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1. Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 47

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most
Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. May all
the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving sister Susan Sontag, you are certainly a
wonderful example of faith and trust in God, and of a life that has been blessed with
both the grace of God, and the clarity to reflect your faith in God in everything that you

          Al-hamdu lillah - all praise and praising belong to God and to God alone.
          Allahu Akbar - only God is great.

Your brother of the One Open heart, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

The purpose of this letter is to thank you for the wonderful "In-depth" interview that you
gave to us, the listening public, on last March 2, 2003, on the television program,
"Book TV", which has the following Web Page or URL, www.BookTV.org.

It was really nice to sit with you for 3 hours, and with the woman who interviewed you
(we have not been able to find her name), and with the listening audience, and with the
many people who either called in, or sent you an E-mail that was then read to you
during the show.

What a wonderful age we live in, my dearest loving sister, to all come together in this
way, to better understand our life and the lives of all the people we have been blessed
with to share this experience we call "our life", or said more spiritually or correctly, this
experience of,

          "Sitting on God's lap while our wisdom teaches us what we do not know."

Also, the purpose of this letter is to share some of the things that have happened in
the life of this child, especially over the last 28 years, and through this sharing suggest
a new direction for your next "invention of yourself", for your next attempt to "start
again", which you so beautifully described as one of the most unique and endearing
qualities of the people who live in America.

But my dearest loving sister, before we begin with the body of the letter, let us join
together, in our own way, to say a little prayer to God within us, let us say a little
prayer to the "stuff of God" within us, to the higher states of consciousness within our
very own life, to our absolute faith, certitude, and determination that God alone exists,
which is Abraham (peace be upon Him) in the pit of fire within us , to the explaining
wisdom within us, which teaches us, "what we do not know" within us, which includes
all of the 124,000 Prophets of God within us, including the 8 main prophets of God
within us: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad
(may God be pleased with all of His Prophets), and to the light of God within our
explaining wisdom, which is the truth of God within the wisdom of God within us, within
the 124,000 Prophets of God, heavenly beings, and lights of God within us.

My dearest loving sister, in this way, let us join together, in our own way, to say a little
prayer to all of the "stuff of God" within us, and to God within all of "His stuff" within us,
to destroy everything within us that is currently covering and keeping us "separate
from" the "stuff of God" within us, keeping us "separate from" our own wisdom, and
from the truth of God within our own wisdom, to destroy everything keeping us
"separate from" the True Teacher or Shaikh of God within us, which is the explaining
wisdom of God within us, that teaches us "what we do not know", and from the light of
God within Him, and keeping us "separate from" what They are doing within us.

Let us join together, in our own way, to pray to God within us, to reveal "His stuff"
within us, to reveal our wisdom, and the truth of God within our wisdom, to reveal the
True Teacher or Shaikh of God within us, and God within Him, so He can teach us,
"what we do not know", and can reveal what They are doing within us, which is
completing God's intention within us, completing "why" God created us in the first
place, so we can focus our life on God's selfless intention for our life, not our selfish
intention for it.

Allowing Them, joined as One with us, and "us", joined as One with Them, allowing
the "Three of Us", joined as One within us, allowing "us", our wisdom, and the truth of
God within our wisdom, allowing the - Disciple, Shaikh, and God - within us, joined as
One within us, to finish what They have started within each of us, even before we were
born, even before we came to this earth world.

Allowing Them to finish what God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within
each of us, way before "we" in our ignorance came into existence "outside" of us, as
lives of "separation and differences", way before "we" in our ignorance covered over
what They were doing within us, covered over Their Work with "our work", covering
"Us" with something "less than Us", way before we in our ignorance hid "Us" from "us"
within us, hid the "Big Us" within us and revealed the "little us" within us, way before
we came onto the scene "outside" of us in the state of ignorance of "us", ignorant of
"who we really are", of "where we really are", and of "what is truly happening" in our

Way before we in our ignorance allowed something to grew over our soul, which is
what we are now mistakenly experiencing as "who we are", as "where we are", and as
"what is happening" in our life, way before we allowed the lives of darkness hidden
within us by God to come to maturity in our ignorance, like weeds naturally growing on
a pile of earth, as lives of "separation and differences", as the life that we are currently
experiencing with our brothers and sisters in the world that we collectively see in our
ignorance as existing "outside" of us.

While in truth, my dearest loving sister Susan Sontag, "it is all us", and "we are all
One", and "it is all inside of us", for nothing is really "separate from" us, or "not us", in
any way, shape, or form, and nothing is really "outside" of us.  We are "all of  it", and
we are what transcends "all of it", if wisdom truly dawns within us before we die, if we
like the apple seed buried within the earth, truly awaken to our reality before we die, if
we truly realize, understand, accept, and join with the reality of us before we die, join
with the "apple tree" of us hidden within the "apple seed" of us, by joining with the
"earth of us" to destroy the "seed of us" and  reveal the "tree of us", before it is too

And in this way, disappearing within the "tree of us" before the "seed of us" dies in the
"earth of us, if we realize, understand, accept, and join with the life and teaching of
God for our age, which God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of
us, in each of the Children of God for this age, which is all of us living in this age,
before we die.

For in truth "we are all One", and in this way, this is your own life speaking to you, as during your interview, you were my own life speaking to me, and as such, we are One.

Therefore, in this way, allowing Them, as the higher levels of our own consciousness,
to destroy and/or rule over "us", over "us" as our lower levels of consciousness, that
have come in our ignorance to destroy and/or rule over our true life, over the pure life
and light of our soul, and in this way, allowing Them to destroy "us" as "separate
from" God within us, and to reveal "us" as "One with" God within us, allowing Them to
reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and to reveal God within the
Creation of True Man within us, revealing in this way, the "Oneness of God and True
Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us.

And to do all of this, before it is too late, before we die, and before the "outside" of all
of us is prematurely destroyed by one of us, through things like, "America Invading
Iraq", and/or  "Iraq Trying To Destroy America", destroying for all of us any chance of
any of us getting it right before we die, and if this happens, sending all of us to the
Angel of Death (peace be upon Him), to the suffering of the grave, to Qiyamah (the
Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), and to an eternal life of "separation from" God.

And for this child, this little prayer or invitation to the "stuff of God" within us, and to
God within "His stuff" within us, has become the following little prayer.

This invitation to our wisdom, and to the truth of God within our wisdom, this invitation
to the True Teacher or Shaikh of God within each of us, and to the light of God within
Him, this invitation to the higher levels of consciousnesses within each of us, and to
the power of God within our higher levels of consciousness, to came and destroy and/or rule over the lower levels of consciousnesses within each of us, has become the
following little prayer.

This invitation to bring to judgment now, before we die, the lives of darkness within us,
that we have mistakenly awakened and nourished within us, and all the forces of
illusion, the 400 trillion, 10 thousand spiritual energies, that now flourish within our
current level of consciousness, as our thoughts and intentions, and to do all of this
before it is too late, this intention has become the following little prayer.

The "Father's Prayer" of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.):

          O our Father, our Shaikh, our Guru, we need your love,
          Please, please, please destroy us, and reveal You.

          Destroy us as "separate from" You and You as "separate from" us,
          And reveal us as "One with" You and You as "One with" us.

          Destroy the life of "separation and differences" that You have given us,
          And reveal the life of "Oneness and Unity", of "Justice and Truth",
          And of "Compassion and Unity" that You have also given us.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen - So be it, So be it, O Ruler of the Universes.
Amen, Amen, Ya  Rahman Alameen - So be it, So be it, O Most Merciful One.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen - So be it, So be it, O Most Compassionate One.
Al-hamdu lillah - All praise and praising be to God and to God alone.
Allahu Akbar - Only God is Great.

(Note: to read the history behind "The Father's Prayer of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(Ral.) please click on the following: Spiritual Prayer 01, which has the following URL or
Web Address: www.SpiritualPrayer001.homestead.com, and to read other prayers by
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and by our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa
Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), please click on the following:
Home Page - Spiritual Prayers, which has the following URL or Web Address:

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving sister Susan Sontag - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(Louie Beutler).
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2. A Little Bit About Susan - about the wisdom points shared in her interview

My dearest loving sister Susan Sontag, let us start by sharing some of the wisdom points what this child took from your 3 hour interview on BookTV, www.BookTV.org.

A.  Have An Inner Life - and your outer life will be Ok:

This seems to be the major focus of your life, your inner life, as it is for this child, with your outer life being but the stage upon which you learn your inner lessons.  This is beautifully expressed on your Web Page, www.SusanSontag.com, when you say,

          "If literature has engaged me as a project,
          first as a reader, and then as a writer,
          it is an extension of my sympathies to other selves,
          other domains, other dreams, other words, other territories."

B.  Forget About Yourself - and think about others:

This is beautiful, and the start of the road to peace in our life, and reminded me of the following old saying that has really stayed with me over the years, and was often referred to as "An Old Wives Tale",

          "If you are feeling depressed, go help someone,
          and your worries will leave all by themselves."

C.  Expand Your Consciousness - by making your life about others:

What a nice way to think about our consciousness, as having shrunken through selfishness and easily expanded though selflessness.

A consciousness which has become shrunken through an obsessive self focus on the "outside" of us, and on our "separation and differences", in this way, forcing us to define "who we are" only in terms of what we can experience "outside" of us and "separate from" us, including ourselves, our brothers and sisters, the Creation of God, as well as, God and "His stuff", defining "who we are" only in terms of the relationships that we have "outside" of us, with our brothers and sisters, and with everything else "outside" of us, in this way, perceiving all of our reality as "separate from" us, and as "outside" of us, and in this way, perceiving ourselves as "separate from" God, "separate from" each other, and "separate from" the Creation of God.

A consciousness which is easily expanded by expanding our focus, through an understanding of selflessness, an understanding of "God focus" rather than "self focus", by looking at things, at the Creation of God, as God looks at them, as all of it being within Him, as all of it having come from within Him, and all of it being from what He will again come, from what He will again emerge, by way of True Man, as everything of an apple seed is within the apple fruit, as all of the apple seed comes from the apple fruit, and the apple seed being from what the apple fruit will again come, will again emerge, by way of the apple tree.

In this way, by defining "who we are" not just in terms of "us" existing "outside" of us, and of "us" as "separate from" everything else, that is also "outside" of us, and not just in terms of "us" on the "outside" of us in relationship with what isn't "us", also "outside" of  us, but rather by defining "who we are" by "inclusion" rather than "exclusion", by defining "who we are" by including in that definition all other lives, and all other things "outside" of us, and then seek an understanding of this new definition of "us", that allows us to put down the old definition of "us".  This is the way to walk back to a God within us, as the understanding of God within us.

For example, by defining "who we are" as including everything "outside" of us as really being "us" and really being "inside" of "us", and not "outside" of "us", and by including in that definition of "who we are" all that exists, both "outside" and "inside" of us, that we don't currently see as existing "outside" of us, which includes "God" and all of "God's stuff", and all of the original Creation of God, accepting all of it as in truth defining "who we are", and all of it in truth existing both within us, and as us, not "outside" of us and "separate from" us in any way, shape, or manner.

And all of it in truth existing as "seeds" of something else within us, as the sweet taste of the apple is hidden within the apple, which is hidden within the apple tree, which is hidden within the apple seed, which is hidden within the earth, which was previously hidden within the apple.

For in a very beautiful way,

          "We are what we think,
          so think good thoughts,
          and good things will happen."

D.  Be of Service - take moral action:

Yes, make our actions and our words into One, and thereby remove our hypocrisies, our "saying one thing while doing another", our "keeping one thing in our heart while another is on our lips", which seems to be the real villain in our life, destroying us piece by piece, and eventually destroying our children.

For truly,

          "What truly destroys the child is the hypocrisy of the parents."

For example, we destroy our children, we destroy their love and trust in God, by saying to our children that we love and trust in God, all the while showing our children in our every action that in truth we love and trust in everything other than God, in ourselves, in our education, in our wealth, in our family, in our friends, in our relationships, in our religion, in our status or class, in our accomplishments, in our influence, in science, in lawyers, in doctors, in medicine, in our body, in land, in men and women, and in gold.

E. Have An Idea - of how things could be better: 

And then let our life be the implementation of that idea, for all to see, no matter how popular or unpopular the idea may be. In this way, letting our own life truly be the answer to all of our questions.

For example, ideas like,

1)  "One with" is better than "separate from".

The realization that the real flaw in our life, in all life that we are currently experiencing, is not "what" we do but rather "how" we do "what" we do, and that what we have become in our ignorance of our own reality is a life of "separation and differences", a life that we are currently living with our brothers and sisters in the world that we collectively see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, a life of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God. 

This is the "Elephant in the room" that we fail to see as we try to tidy up the room and entertain our friends.

This is "how" we are currently living, "separate from", and all of the "what" of our life, what we do in our life, like getting married, having children, having a job, accumulating wealth, property, or power, helping others, praying to God, being a good person, talking to people or writing books or managing a successful company, all naturally flows out of this "how" of our life, out of our "separation and differences", out of the belief that we exist "separate from" God, "separate from" each other, and "separate from" the Creation of God, "separate from" the world and all of the people and things that we currently see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us.

And nothing will ever change in our life, in any of our lives, nothing of our current "what" will ever change in our life, until our current "how" changes.

Nothing of the current "what" of our life that naturally flows out of the current "how" of our life will ever change until our current "how" changes, including the "what" of our current "how" that causes us to treat other people as "separate from" us, that causes us to go to war in the name of God, that cause us to eat while our neighbor goes hungry, that cause us to work very, very hard to protect our wife, children, and family, our race and religion, our country, while doing great harm to the wife, children, family, race and religion, and country of others.

Nothing of the current "what" of our life will change, until we change the "how" of our life, until the theme of our life becomes "One with" rather than "separate from", until the reality of our life becomes "One with" God, "One with" each other, and "One with" the Creation of God, all of which in truth is "inside" of us, not "outside" of us, all of which in truth "is us", not "separate from" us.

Such is the only real flaw in our life, our having become "separate from" God, "separate from" each other", and "separate from" the Creation of God, and this flaw will only be removed when we come to understand it, because that is why it is there in the first place, understanding.  May we all know this now, and start to act accordingly.  May God help us in this effort.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. So Be It, So Be It, O Ruler of the Universes.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  So Be It, So Be It, Most Merciful One.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  So Be It, So Be It, Most Compassionate One.
Al-hamdu lillah.  All praise and praising belong to God and to God alone.
Allahu Akbar.  Only God is Great.

2)  Everything Is Within Us And We Are Within Everything. 

And as such, we are all One. One within the other as One.  And we are also what transcends everything.  And we are also what moves from being One with everything to being One with what transcends everything, and as such we are Three, the "Three of Us" within the "Three of God", we are the - Disciple, the Shaikh, and God - within God, within the "Three of God", within - the Power, the Essence of Everything, and Everything, within - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen, within - God, True Man, and Creation.

Such is the true mature of the Creation, of True Man, and of God, the path from God to True Man and from True Man to God, the path of stillness to movement and from movement to stillness, first becoming the Creation, then the flower of Creation, and then becoming the path, the hummingbird, which has incredible movement so it can stand perfectly still, and draws its nourishment from the flower, from the flower of Creation, then becoming the nourishment, which is the grace of God, the power within the essence of everything.

3)  Life Is Movement, Not The Passing of Time. 

Life is One revealing the others within it, as One hides itself within the Ones being revealed, patiently waiting to be revealed again by the Ones who have been revealed.  For example, "man enters the woman as the father and comes out as the child, patiently waiting within the child for the man to be revealed again". 

And, "God enters His Creation as God and comes out as man, patiently waiting within man for True Man to be revealed within the Creation of God, by God, and for God to be revealed again, within the Creation of True Man, by True Man."

4)  Success In Life Is True Movement, Not How We Make Time Pass

Success in life is moving forward to completion what God is doing within man, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, so True Man can reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us. 

Success is not what "we" think is happening in our illusory life "outside" of us, what "we" believe in our arrogance, karma, and illusion, is going on "outside" of us, what in our dream life is occurring through the passing of time "outside" of us, through the repeated passing of the 4 seasons, which in truth are all occurring within us, and are under our control, or what in our ignorance we are doing with our brothers and sisters on the "outside" of us, like making a contribution to the world, like helping others, like becoming wealth or powerful, like raising a family, like becoming successful, or living the good life.

And what God is doing within man is getting man to "revealing God again", is finishing what God has started within man, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God, which is what Adam (peace be upon Him) is all about, and when completed, when True Man and the Creation of True Man comes to maturity within us, which is akhirah or the hereafter within us, to get True Man to revealing God within the Creation of True Man within us.

What God is about within man is revealing God again, from within the Creation of True Man, from within what God has started to reveal within man, which is True Man and the Creation of True Man, to reveal True Man from within His Creation, when He entered His Creation as God and came out as man, which in maturity is True Man within us, and the Creation of True Man within us. 

This is "who we are", we are True Man happening, we are the "Seed of True Man", the "Seed of Iman" or absolute faith, certitude, and determination that "God alone exists", we are man coming to maturity within us as True Man and the Creation of True Man, as an apple seed is the "seed of the apple tree", which in maturity is the apple tree and the Creation of the apple tree: the tap root, the trunk, the branches, the leaves and flowers, and the mature fruits on the apple tree. 

And this is "where we are", we are buried within man, within what God gave birth to and came out of as man, when He entered His Creation as God and came out of as a man, waiting for that man to come to maturity as True Man and the Creation of True Man, waiting for God to appear again within the Creation of True Man, as the apple seed entered the earth, is buried within the earth, and once it awakens to itself, then comes out of the earth as the apple tree and the Creation of the apple tree.

And if we give up our "outside" life for our "inside" life, before we die, then we too will come out of our earth as the "Tree of Man", as True Man and the Creation of True Man, as what will come to maturity within us when the "Seed of Us" germinates, when the "Seed of Us" realizes, understands, accepts, and joins with its true heritage, its true destiny, and the "Tree of Us" is revealed, comes to maturity within us, within the Creation of God within us, which is this earth world or dunya, as True Man and the Creation of True Man.

And then enters His Creation as True Man and comes out as god, as "Little G", as God without an understanding of God, waiting for God to come to maturity as God with an understanding of God, as "Big G", as God and the Creation of God, waiting for True Man to appear again within the Creation of God, and in this way, completing again the Cycle of God-Man/Man-God.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

This is our eternal life that transcends all death within us, that comes from true movement within us, not from false movement "outside" of us, which is a temporal life of the passing of time which only is leading "us" to death, is leading us to the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) and to all that is associated with the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) within us, a temporal life which is our current state, opening us up to a life of rebirth, as an apple seed that fails to germinate becomes subject to multiple births. 

For example, the apple seed buried within the earth, that awakens to itself and germinates, before its death in the earth, becomes eternal, becomes the essence of life within all trees, while the apple seed that fails to germinate in the earth, before it dies, stays temporal, becoming subject to repeated births. 

And a man living in the world "outside" of himself, that awaken to himself and germinates, that surrenders to what God is doing within Him, which is to finish revealing True Man within the Creation of God within him, and that surrenders to what True Man in maturity will then do within him, which is to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within him, before his death in the world "outside" of him, becomes eternal, becomes the essence of life within all lives, becomes in maturity True Man within the Creation of God within him, and God within the Creation of True Man within him.

In this way, becomes in maturity the "Oneness of God and True Man" within him, which in truth is God and True Man within us, while a man who fails to awaken to himself and germinate to his own reality within himself, before he dies in the world "outside" of himself, stays temporal, becoming subject to 105 million rebirths.

5)  Faith And Trust In God Is Better Than Faith And Trust In The World. 

Faith and trust in God "inside" of us, and in the "stuff of God" within us, that is always there within us, and never changes within us, and is always ready to be accessed within us, through our faith and trust in God within us, no matter how we may envision Him within us, and "His stuff" within us, and our relationship with Him and "His stuff" within us, is better than faith and trust in the world "outside" of us, and in the "stuff of the world" outside of us, that always comes and goes "outside" of us, and is always changing "outside" of us.

F.  Being 70 Years Young - and ready to start again:

The ability to continually re-invent yourself, over and over again, as you learn from your experiences, and from the experiences of other, and it is never too late to start all over again, to pick up something truly new, if we have but the courage to truly put down what we are now carrying.


          "You can only pick up something as truly new
          if you are willing to put down something as truly old."

Or said another way,

          "There is no true birth without a true death,
          and there is no true death without a true birth,
          everything else, all other kinds of coming and going,
          is just a dream."
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3.  A Little Bit About Louie - about what he has been doing for the last 64 years.

My dearest loving sister, like you this child has also been on a journey for the last 64 years, and counting, living for the last 28 years at the feet of a wise and holy saint, His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).

So who am I? Who is Louie? A worldly answer is very easy. I have lived in America all my life, as did my parents, and I am of German and Irish ancestry.  I was raised Catholic and I graduated from Villanova University in 1962 with a BS Degree In Electrical Engineering.

I also graduated from Temple University in 1972 with a Masters Degree in Special Education, and again from Villanova University in 1987 with a Masters Degree in Computer Science. I was a Captain in the United States Marine Corps, and served my country during the John F. Kennedy administration, and participated in the successful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

I have worked in America for 36 years as an Engineer, Salesmen, Teacher, Computer Programmer, Manager, and then as a Computer Specialist for Unisys Corporation for 18 years, finally ending up as the "Road Man" for a local house painter, gradually becoming a mother to 25 house painters, attending to their every need, which turned out to be the best job of my life, a job where "Lou" again became "Louie".

And now I have retired, and I devote all of my time to the pursuit of a better definition of "who I am", of "who God is", and of my true relationship with God within me, just as you have my dearest loving sister.
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4. A Little Bit About Our Age - about the reason for any of us living in this age, and about the gift of God for our age, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, that God has hidden within all of the Children of God for this age, which is all of us living in this age, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we want it or not, as our true heritage, as our true birth right, as the true destiny of our soul, as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us

As for a spiritual answer to "who is Louie", the answer is also very easy. I met His Holiness, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in the summer of 1975 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in America, when I was 36 years old, and have been absorbed in His life and teaching for the last 28 years, a life and teaching that fits so beautifully with the life and teaching that you gave us a glimpse of in your 3 hour interview on March 2, and thank God, a life and teaching that also goes beyond it, goes beyond what you shared.  That goes beyond it in a way that only one who has gone beyond it could share. 

Such is the gift of having met Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) on the "outside" of us, a guide for our life, the light for the path of faith within us, that if we like, will take us to the truth of God hidden within our wisdom within us, bringing peace to our life.

For as His Holiness teaches us, in the book, "The Wisdom of Man", and reproduced on the back cover,

          "Wisdom is the light to guide your path,
          faith is the path, truth is God,
          and understanding this is peace."

Such is the gift of having met Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) on the "outside" of us, the finger pointing to the relationship of God and True Man within us, to the light of our wisdom that guides us on the path of our faith, to the truth of God hidden by God within our wisdom, but even more importantly is having met Him "inside" of us, within my own life, as the higher self within each of us, and as the power of God within my higher self, as our wisdom and the wisdom within our wisdom, as our direct connection to the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, as our direct connection to the truth of God hidden by God within our wisdom.

Yes, we most certainly met His Holiness "outside" of us, and lived in His physical presence for almost 12 years, from 1975 to 1986, and that was truly an amazing experience, but what is definitely more important than any "outside" meeting, is that while He was with us physically, we have also met His Holiness on the "inside" of us, before He died.

In this way, we have truly met His Holiness within our very own life, and continue to live with His Holiness within our very own heart and consciousness, within our daily life of living in the world, of dealing with the illusory world "outside" of us, by turning to God within us, and in this way, by making "my life" into "His life", by putting what is in "my hand" into "His hand", by turning to the "stuff of God" within us to deal with the world "outside" of us, by turning to our wisdom, and the truth of God within our wisdom, to deal with "us" as "separate from" God, by turning to our Shaikh within us, and to God within Him, to move forward what God has started within us, before we die, which is "us" as "One with" God, and in this way, by becoming increasingly aware of the real world "inside" of us.

And that experience of "God" within us, of "God's Stuff" within us, and of "What God is doing" within us moving forward within us, is beyond any amazing experience, even the amazing experience of being with Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) on the "outside" of us.

For that experience is the salvation of our soul, and the true success of our life, the success of letting our "wisdom reason over our fate", of letting the qualities of our "inside" become victorious over the qualities of our "outside", that will never leave this child, that will never leave your loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), a name which His Holiness gave this child in 1980 when we visited His Holiness in Sri Lanka (formally Ceylon).

Which was the home of His Holiness for 85 years before His coming to America in 1971, and for His Holiness intermittently for the next 15 years, with His Holiness moving between Sri Lanka and America, from 1971 to 1986, alternating between Sri Lanka and America every 2 or 3 years, attending to His children in both countries until His death in 1986.

For the "outside" of Him is now gone but the true gift of such an "outside" Teacher or Wise Man for each age, is still here, and will never leave any of us living in this age, whether we met Him "outside" or not, if we have but the faith in God to pick it up.

For as one of the Companions of the Prophet, Abu Bakar (peace be upon Him), told the grieving people of Mecca and Medina at the time of the death of the Prophet
(Sal.) in 632 AD,

          "For those who have worshipped Muhammad, Muhammad is dead,
          But for those who worship God, Muhammad lives."

(Note: His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) died on December 8, 1986 in America, and He is buried in a small rural village, about a 1 hours drive from the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in America.  All are welcome at both the grave site of His Holiness, over which a beautiful Shrine or Mazar has been constructed by His Children, and at the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship in Philadelphia.  Please click on the following Web Site for the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship in Philadelphia:
, to learn more about visiting the grave site of His Holiness, and visiting the many Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowships which His Holiness established throughout America, and Canada, as well as about purchasing books, and audio and/or video tape cassettes on the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen [Ral.])

For the true gift of the "outside" of God for each age is the "inside" of God for each age, the true gift is for each of us in this age to meet Him and to be with Him within ourselves, as the True Teacher or Shaikh of God within each of us for our age, as the Guardian of our soul, as what can successfully "do battle with the enemy of our soul" within us.

Can successfully do battle with the "enemy of our soul" which in truth is each of "us" living as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, which in truth is the state of our current life, our current life of "separation and differences" that we are all currently experiencing with our brothers and sisters in the world that we collectively see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.

Which in truth is but our fate, our karma, and our false destiny, which in truth is but the stage upon which our lessons of life must be learned, becoming our funeral pyre when we die, if we have wasted our time on this stage, if we have failed to learn our lessons before we die, if we have failed to establish our direct connection with God within us, by establishing our direct connection with the "Stuff of God" within us, with our wisdom and the truth of God for our age, with our Shaikh within us and with God within Him, in order to liberate our soul from the "enemy of our soul", before we die.

Allowing our soul to make its way back into the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, as the "understanding" of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and of True Man within us, which is the earth world or dunya within us, and the hereafter or akhirah or kingdom of God within the dunya within us.

And in this way, to meet the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within ourselves, and join with Him within us, with the Guru of God for our age within us, with our Shaikh within us, and God within Him, in what They are doing within us, which is to finish revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, and in this way, to join with what True Man in maturity is doing within Them within us, which is revealing God within the Creation of True Man within us, completing in this way the cycle of God-Man/God-Man within us, of God revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us and of True Man revealing God within the Creation of True Man within us.

Which is the only true point of Their coming into the world in our age, of Them appearing both "outside" of us, for some of us, and within each of us, for all of us, and the only true point of any of us living in this age, the only true purpose of our life, of any of our lives, the only true purpose of all life living in this age, which is to join with God within us to complete God's intention within us, before it is too late, to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, before we die.

And before the "outside" of all of us is prematurely destroyed by one of us, which can occur if the "beast" that is coming to maturity within each of us comes to maturity and comes out of at least "one of us", before True Man that is also coming to maturity within each of us, comes out of at least "one of us".

My dearest loving sister Susan Sontag, such is the only purpose of any of us living in this age, for True Man to come out of the Creation of God within at least "one of us" before the "beast" comes out of the Creation of God within at least "one of us", and in this way, saving all of us, in this way, ushering in the hereafter or akhirah or the kingdom of God for all of us.  Such is the only purpose of the life of each one of us, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, and whether we want it or not. 

And the Golden Rule of God for all of this, for moving forward what God is doing both "inside" and "outside" of each of us, is as follows:

          1)  The Justice of God must become the Justice of Kings.
          2)  The Justice of Kings must become the Justice of Man.
          3)  The Justice of Man must become the Justice of Conscience.

As was the case for the people of all previous ages, and for the coming into the world of Abraham, of Ishmael, of Moses, of David, of Jesus, and of Muhammad (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets), and of God within each of Them, in Their respective ages (from 2000 BC to 600 AD), each progressively ushering in and establishing the age known as the "Justice of God becomes the Justice of Kings".

The "Justice of Kings" which we in our age call the Divine Right of Kings, Sovereign States, and Monarchies, which moved forward the intention of God from the time of the Prophet of God known as Abraham (peace be upon Him) through the time of the Prophet of God known as Muhammad (may the peace and blessing of God be upon Him), which brought that age to completion, and prepared the way for the next age.

And for the coming into the world of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) in 1000 AD, and of God within Him, who peacefully conquered Baghdad as the "Flower of Wisdom" in that age, ushering in and establishing the age known as the "Justice of Kings becoming the Justice of Man".

The "Justice of Man" which we in our age call Democracy, The Rule of Law, and Human Right, first appearing in Europe between 1000 AD and 1500 AD, and in England with organized resistance with the Monarchies of England, and becoming universally established in America in 1776, through a revolution with Britain, and then spreading through revolutions, but mostly through example, to many countries in Europe, only becoming firmly established in Europe after the first and second world wars.

And of most significance for our age, failing to become established in most Islamic countries in the world until recently, keeping most of the Islamic countries within the age of the "Justice of Kings", with many of them becoming, because of their lack of being in sync with the movement of God, Empires that are ruled by the "In-justice of Kings".

And in this way, in each age, the gift of God was placed within all of the Children of God for that age, and then appeared on the "outside" of some of them, so they could all go in search of it on the "inside" of them, and if found, use Them within each of them, to successfully "reason over their fate", to reason over the fate of all living in that age, to reason over all who would accept Them within themselves in that age, as the gift of God for their age, for the Children of God for that age, as the life and teaching of God for their age.

Allowing God to complete what God had started within all of the Children of God for each age, allowing Them to reveal True Man within the Creation of God, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, within the Children of God for each age, first occurring in the "Age of Abraham and Moses" (peace be upon Them) between 2000 BC to 0 BC, culminating in 1000 BC with the coming into the world of the Prophet
d (peace be upon Him) followed in 0 BC by the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon Him), with David (A.S.) representing True Man within the Creation of God, as the Ruler over all of the Creation of God, and Jesus (A.S.) representing God within the Creation of True Man, as the "Son" of God with no physical father, having entered His mother not as sperm but as the "ray of light" from God, as the virgin birth.

As revealed through the lineage of Abraham and the Mother of Isaac (peace be upon Him), the third son of Abraham (A.S.), as the House of David and within it the purified heart of Jesus (peace be upon Him).  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

Next occurring in the "Age of Jesus and Muhammad" (peace be upon Them) between 0 AD to 2000 AD, culminating in 1000 AD with the coming into the world of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) followed in 2000 AD by His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), with Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani ((Ral.) representing True Man within the Creation of God, as the "Muhaiyaddeen" of God, the "Giver of Life back to True Belief", and Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) representing God within the Creation of True Man, as "Iman", as absolute faith, certitude, and determination that "God alone exists", as the complete acceptance that "God is One".

As revealed through the lineage of Abraham (A.S.) and the Mother of Ishmael (peace be upon Him), the second son of Abraham (peace be upon Him), as the Palace of the Soul, the House of Wisdom, and within it the light of wisdom know as the Nur Muhammad.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

And now occurring in our age, in the "Age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral) and the
Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(Ral.)" between 1886 AD to 2086 AD, culminating in 1986 AD with the death of His Holiness, and with the coming into the world of the
Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with each of Us).

With Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) representing True Man within the Creation of God for our age, as the "Guru of God", and the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), which is each of us living in this age, representing God within the Creation of True Man for our age, as the final manifestation of the "Son" of God, as the "Presence of God" in the world, before the "Final Destruction".

Before either in our ignorance of "who we are", we are "destroyed", when the "beast" or "False Man" that is growing and coming to maturity within each of us comes out of at least one of us, and prematurely destroys the "outside" of all of us, before True Man that is also growing within each of us can come to maturity and come out of at least one of us, destroying in this way any chance of any of us getting it right before we die.

Or through our understanding of "who we are", the "beast is destroyed within at least one of us, and True Man does come to maturity and come out of at least one of us, before the "beast" comes out of any of us, allowing True Man to destroy the "beast" when it does eventually come out of at least one of us, allowing True Man, having destroyed the "beast" within all of us, to then usher in the hereafter for all of us.

For all of us who have not in the process of living our life exclusively "outside" of us, failing to establish a life of faith, of wisdom, and of 'ilm or divine knowledge within us, by joining in partnership with the life and teaching of God for our age, with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) both "inside" and "outside" of us, have become the food of the "beast" outside of us when he finally does came out of "one of us", and as a result go the way of the "beast" outside of us, which is down the birth canal, becoming subject to 105 million rebirths within us, all occurring before the "beast" outside of us is finally destroyed by True Man outside of us.

With all of this being revealed through the lineage of Abraham (peace be upon Him) and the Mother of the first Son of Abraham, which is Iman, or absolution faith, certitude, and determination in God, which is Abraham (peace be upon Him) in the pit of fire, all of this being revealed through the unbroken lineage of Adam (peace be upon Him) and God within each of us living in this age, through the lineage of Adam (peace be upon Him) which God created with no mother and with no father, as a demonstration of the power of God that lies beyond His Creation. Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar. 

Such is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) for our age, both inside and outside of us, and the life and teaching of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with  each of Us) for our age, both inside and outside of us, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us in this age, as our birthright, as our true heritage, as the life and teaching of God for our age, for the Children of God for our age, which is everyone living in this age.

That allows each of us, if we wish, to properly finish, to properly end, what we have all started in ignorance in our life, which is "us" as "separate from" God, when we come to realize, understand, and accept, without the slightest doubt, that only God can finish our life, only God can finish what He stated, only God can finish what we in our ignorance have started in our life, can finish, can bring to an end, can end "us" as "separate from" God, by "us" allowing God within us, by "us" joining with our wisdom, and with the truth of God within our wisdom, by "us" joining with our Shaikh within us, and with God within Him, to allow God to finish what God in His understanding has also started within our life, which is "us" as "One with" God, which is True Man within the Creation of God within us.

And when we come to realize, understand, and accept, also without the slightest doubt, that He can only do this Divine Work within each of us, when our life and His life become One.

(Note: for more on the Three Sons of Abraham (peace be upon Him) please click on the following: Spiritual Letter 20, to author M. Stanton Evans, and Spiritual Letter 23, to my loving sister Rumi Smith, which have the following URL or Web Addresses: www.SpiritualLetter020.homestead.com, and www.SpiritualLetter023.homestead.com)

This is the great secret of our life, of each of our lives, and of our age, my dearest loving sister Susan Sontag, the "Oneness of God and True Man" within each of us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, which could only come to maturity within any of us, as it now can, as the "Final Chapter in the Story of True Man within the Story of God", in this age, in this age of the "Justice of Conscience or Wisdom", the age known as "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen

In this age which is the age of the wisdom of God, and the truth of God within our wisdom, when True Man comes to maturity within us, within the Creation of God within us, within this earth world or dunya within us, if that be our intention, becoming in this way, the "Seed of God", the "Seed of Islam" within us, through which True Man within us sets out to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, within akhirah or the hereafter within us.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

(Note: to learn a little bit more about His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in America, from 1971 until His passing in 1986, and in Sri Lanka (previously Ceylon), from 1886 to 1971, please click on the following Home Page for the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA:
.  Also, please click on the following: The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library,
to access the Home Page (top-down version) for the Web Site being developed by this child, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), which includes this and other Spiritual Letters, and which provides on-line material on both the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), and has the following URL or Web Address: www.BawaMuhaiyaddeenLibrary.homestead.com)

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving sister Susan Sontag.  You are a very good sister.  Never doubt that.  Your loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

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of Spiritual Letter 47
- original version -

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Spiritual Letter 47 - Original Version                           About Spiritual Letter 47
Title: - "Are You Really Ready To Start Again?"
Date: April 25, 2003
Written by: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Written to: Ms. Susan Sontag - author (see Web Page: www.SusanSontag.com)

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Go To Table of Contents - Spiritual Letter 47

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us all.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
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Outline of Spiritual Letter:

Page 1 Outline: - which is this page, the page you are on
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1.  Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 47
2.  A little Bit About Susan - about the wisdom points shared in her interview
3.  A Little Bit About Louie - about his life in the world for the last 64 years
4.  A Little Bit About Our Age - about the reason for any of us living in this age, and about the gift of God for our age, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, that God has hidden within all of the Children of God for this age, which is all of us living in this age, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we want it or not, as our true heritage, as our true birth right, as the true destiny of our soul, as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us
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Page 2 Outline: - click HERE to go to Page 2

5.  A Little Bit About Bawa - about Bawa as the "Name of the Reason" we are here, as the "Name of the Gift of God" within us, about Bawa as the "Name of our Wisdom", of our higher levels of consciousness, that can if we like, reveal the truth of our lives, hidden by God within the wisdom of our life, about Bawa as the Shaikh or Teacher of God within us for our age, joined as One with God within us, that can if we like, "teach us what we do not know", and bring to an end what we in our ignorance have started within us, which is "us" as "separate from" God within us, and can complete what God in His understanding has also started within us, which is "us" as "One with" God within us, and about Bawa as the "Name of How" we become successful in our life, before we die, as the "Name of How" our wisdom can successfully "reason over our fate" within us, before we die, before we are dragged off to the angel of Death within us, by our karma, fate, and false destiny, and then must experience the suffering of the grave, Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), and eventually an eternal life of "separation from" God, all occurring within each of us both before and after we die
6A Little Bit About Our Current State - about what has happened to us, and what is just waiting to happen to each of us, both if, and if not, we fail to awaken to our own reality, before we die, and having awakened to "who in truth we really are", if we truly let it happen within us, if we truly realize, understand, accept, and join with the reality of our own life, and disappear within it, before we die, as an apple seed that realizes, understands, accepts, and joins with the "truth that emerges from within it, joins with the earth, germinates, and then disappears within the apple tree hidden within it, before it rots in the earth, before it dies to its "false life" buried in the earth, forever breaking its connection to its "true life", to the story of the apple tree that it came to the earth, to join with the earth, to tell
7.  A Little Bit About Us, About Each of Us - about "us" as the "Seed of True Man" within us, as the "Seed of the Tree of God" within us, as the Light of God to the world within us, within the Creation of God within us
8.  A Little Bit About True Man - within the Creation of God within us
9.  A Little Bit About God - within the Creation of True Man within us
10.  Closing Comments & Prayer - get God to do it again, to reveal True Man within the Creation of God, but this time within you, and get True Man to do it again, to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, but this time within you.  Then we will be successful in our life.  Anything less than this, is less than this, is less than "who we are".  Know this now, my dearest loving sister Susan Sontag, and start to act accordingly, and join with your "own life speaking to you", join with your loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), to just get out the word to all of our brothers and sisters, to let them know about "who they already are", to let them know about what True Man and God has given them for this age, which is "True Man and God happening" within them, in order to be successful in this age, in this age where "In ignorance man thinks that he is god, while in truth He is."
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Text of Spiritual Letter - Page 1
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1. Introduction - to Spiritual Letter 47

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most
Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu kulluhu. May all
the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all.  May God help us

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving sister Susan Sontag, you are certainly a
wonderful example of faith and trust in God, and of a life that has been blessed with
both the grace of God, and the clarity to reflect your faith in God in everything that you

          Al-hamdu lillah - all praise and praising belong to God and to God alone.
          Allahu Akbar - only God is great.

Your brother of the One Open heart, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

The purpose of this letter is to thank you for the wonderful "In-depth" interview that you
gave to us, the listening public, on last March 2, 2003, on the television program,
"Book TV", which has the following Web Page or URL, www.BookTV.org.

It was really nice to sit with you for 3 hours, and with the woman who interviewed you
(we have not been able to find her name), and with the listening audience, and with the
many people who either called in, or sent you an E-mail that was then read to you
during the show.

What a wonderful age we live in, my dearest loving sister, to all come together in this
way, to better understand our life and the lives of all the people we have been blessed
with to share this experience we call "our life", or said more spiritually or correctly, this
experience of,

          "Sitting on God's lap while our wisdom teaches us what we do not know."

Also, the purpose of this letter is to share some of the things that have happened in
the life of this child, especially over the last 28 years, and through this sharing suggest
a new direction for your next "invention of yourself", for your next attempt to "start
again", which you so beautifully described as one of the most unique and endearing
qualities of the people who live in America.

But my dearest loving sister, before we begin with the body of the letter, let us join
together, in our own way, to say a little prayer to God within us, let us say a little
prayer to the "stuff of God" within us, to the higher states of consciousness within our
very own life, to our absolute faith, certitude, and determination that God alone exists,
which is Abraham (peace be upon Him) in the pit of fire within us , to the explaining
wisdom within us, which teaches us, "what we do not know" within us, which includes
all of the 124,000 Prophets of God within us, including the 8 main prophets of God
within us: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad
(may God be pleased with all of His Prophets), and to the light of God within our
explaining wisdom, which is the truth of God within the wisdom of God within us, within
the 124,000 Prophets of God, heavenly beings, and lights of God within us.

My dearest loving sister, in this way, let us join together, in our own way, to say a little
prayer to all of the "stuff of God" within us, and to God within all of "His stuff" within us,
to destroy everything within us that is currently covering and keeping us "separate
from" the "stuff of God" within us, keeping us "separate from" our own wisdom, and
from the truth of God within our own wisdom, to destroy everything keeping us
"separate from" the True Teacher or Shaikh of God within us, which is the explaining
wisdom of God within us, that teaches us "what we do not know", and from the light of
God within Him, and keeping us "separate from" what They are doing within us.

Let us join together, in our own way, to pray to God within us, to reveal "His stuff"
within us, to reveal our wisdom, and the truth of God within our wisdom, to reveal the
True Teacher or Shaikh of God within us, and God within Him, so He can teach us,
"what we do not know", and can reveal what They are doing within us, which is
completing God's intention within us, completing "why" God created us in the first
place, so we can focus our life on God's selfless intention for our life, not our selfish
intention for it.

Allowing Them, joined as One with us, and "us", joined as One with Them, allowing
the "Three of Us", joined as One within us, allowing "us", our wisdom, and the truth of
God within our wisdom, allowing the - Disciple, Shaikh, and God - within us, joined as
One within us, to finish what They have started within each of us, even before we were
born, even before we came to this earth world.

Allowing Them to finish what God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within
each of us, way before "we" in our ignorance came into existence "outside" of us, as
lives of "separation and differences", way before "we" in our ignorance covered over
what They were doing within us, covered over Their Work with "our work", covering
"Us" with something "less than Us", way before we in our ignorance hid "Us" from "us"
within us, hid the "Big Us" within us and revealed the "little us" within us, way before
we came onto the scene "outside" of us in the state of ignorance of "us", ignorant of
"who we really are", of "where we really are", and of "what is truly happening" in our

Way before we in our ignorance allowed something to grew over our soul, which is
what we are now mistakenly experiencing as "who we are", as "where we are", and as
"what is happening" in our life, way before we allowed the lives of darkness hidden
within us by God to come to maturity in our ignorance, like weeds naturally growing on
a pile of earth, as lives of "separation and differences", as the life that we are currently
experiencing with our brothers and sisters in the world that we collectively see in our
ignorance as existing "outside" of us.

While in truth, my dearest loving sister Susan Sontag, "it is all us", and "we are all
One", and "it is all inside of us", for nothing is really "separate from" us, or "not us", in
any way, shape, or form, and nothing is really "outside" of us.  We are "all of  it", and
we are what transcends "all of it", if wisdom truly dawns within us before we die, if we
like the apple seed buried within the earth, truly awaken to our reality before we die, if
we truly realize, understand, accept, and join with the reality of us before we die, join
with the "apple tree" of us hidden within the "apple seed" of us, by joining with the
"earth of us" to destroy the "seed of us" and  reveal the "tree of us", before it is too

And in this way, disappearing within the "tree of us" before the "seed of us" dies in the
"earth of us, if we realize, understand, accept, and join with the life and teaching of
God for our age, which God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of
us, in each of the Children of God for this age, which is all of us living in this age,
before we die.

For in truth "we are all One", and in this way, this is your own life speaking to you, as during your interview, you were my own life speaking to me, and as such, we are One.

Therefore, in this way, allowing Them, as the higher levels of our own consciousness,
to destroy and/or rule over "us", over "us" as our lower levels of consciousness, that
have come in our ignorance to destroy and/or rule over our true life, over the pure life
and light of our soul, and in this way, allowing Them to destroy "us" as "separate
from" God within us, and to reveal "us" as "One with" God within us, allowing Them to
reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and to reveal God within the
Creation of True Man within us, revealing in this way, the "Oneness of God and True
Man" within us, which in truth is God and True Man within us.

And to do all of this, before it is too late, before we die, and before the "outside" of all
of us is prematurely destroyed by one of us, through things like, "America Invading
Iraq", and/or  "Iraq Trying To Destroy America", destroying for all of us any chance of
any of us getting it right before we die, and if this happens, sending all of us to the
Angel of Death (peace be upon Him), to the suffering of the grave, to Qiyamah (the
Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), and to an eternal life of "separation from" God.

And for this child, this little prayer or invitation to the "stuff of God" within us, and to
God within "His stuff" within us, has become the following little prayer.

This invitation to our wisdom, and to the truth of God within our wisdom, this invitation
to the True Teacher or Shaikh of God within each of us, and to the light of God within
Him, this invitation to the higher levels of consciousnesses within each of us, and to
the power of God within our higher levels of consciousness, to came and destroy and/or rule over the lower levels of consciousnesses within each of us, has become the
following little prayer.

This invitation to bring to judgment now, before we die, the lives of darkness within us,
that we have mistakenly awakened and nourished within us, and all the forces of
illusion, the 400 trillion, 10 thousand spiritual energies, that now flourish within our
current level of consciousness, as our thoughts and intentions, and to do all of this
before it is too late, this intention has become the following little prayer.

The "Father's Prayer" of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.):

          O our Father, our Shaikh, our Guru, we need your love,
          Please, please, please destroy us, and reveal You.

          Destroy us as "separate from" You and You as "separate from" us,
          And reveal us as "One with" You and You as "One with" us.

          Destroy the life of "separation and differences" that You have given us,
          And reveal the life of "Oneness and Unity", of "Justice and Truth",
          And of "Compassion and Unity" that You have also given us.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen - So be it, So be it, O Ruler of the Universes.
Amen, Amen, Ya  Rahman Alameen - So be it, So be it, O Most Merciful One.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen - So be it, So be it, O Most Compassionate One.
Al-hamdu lillah - All praise and praising be to God and to God alone.
Allahu Akbar - Only God is Great.

(Note: to read the history behind "The Father's Prayer of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(Ral.) please click on the following: Spiritual Prayer 01, which has the following URL or
Web Address: www.SpiritualPrayer001.homestead.com, and to read other prayers by
Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and by our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa
Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), please click on the following:
Home Page - Spiritual Prayers, which has the following URL or Web Address:

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving sister Susan Sontag - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen
(Louie Beutler).
                                                                                                                                  - go to outline
2. A Little Bit About Susan - about the wisdom points shared in her interview

My dearest loving sister Susan Sontag, let us start by sharing some of the wisdom points what this child took from your 3 hour interview on BookTV, www.BookTV.org.

A.  Have An Inner Life - and your outer life will be Ok:

This seems to be the major focus of your life, your inner life, as it is for this child, with your outer life being but the stage upon which you learn your inner lessons.  This is beautifully expressed on your Web Page, www.SusanSontag.com, when you say,

          "If literature has engaged me as a project,
          first as a reader, and then as a writer,
          it is an extension of my sympathies to other selves,
          other domains, other dreams, other words, other territories."

B.  Forget About Yourself - and think about others:

This is beautiful, and the start of the road to peace in our life, and reminded me of the following old saying that has really stayed with me over the years, and was often referred to as "An Old Wives Tale",

          "If you are feeling depressed, go help someone,
          and your worries will leave all by themselves."

C.  Expand Your Consciousness - by making your life about others:

What a nice way to think about our consciousness, as having shrunken through selfishness and easily expanded though selflessness.

A consciousness which has become shrunken through an obsessive self focus on the "outside" of us, and on our "separation and differences", in this way, forcing us to define "who we are" only in terms of what we can experience "outside" of us and "separate from" us, including ourselves, our brothers and sisters, the Creation of God, as well as, God and "His stuff", defining "who we are" only in terms of the relationships that we have "outside" of us, with our brothers and sisters, and with everything else "outside" of us, in this way, perceiving all of our reality as "separate from" us, and as "outside" of us, and in this way, perceiving ourselves as "separate from" God, "separate from" each other, and "separate from" the Creation of God.

A consciousness which is easily expanded by expanding our focus, through an understanding of selflessness, an understanding of "God focus" rather than "self focus", by looking at things, at the Creation of God, as God looks at them, as all of it being within Him, as all of it having come from within Him, and all of it being from what He will again come, from what He will again emerge, by way of True Man, as everything of an apple seed is within the apple fruit, as all of the apple seed comes from the apple fruit, and the apple seed being from what the apple fruit will again come, will again emerge, by way of the apple tree.

In this way, by defining "who we are" not just in terms of "us" existing "outside" of us, and of "us" as "separate from" everything else, that is also "outside" of us, and not just in terms of "us" on the "outside" of us in relationship with what isn't "us", also "outside" of  us, but rather by defining "who we are" by "inclusion" rather than "exclusion", by defining "who we are" by including in that definition all other lives, and all other things "outside" of us, and then seek an understanding of this new definition of "us", that allows us to put down the old definition of "us".  This is the way to walk back to a God within us, as the understanding of God within us.

For example, by defining "who we are" as including everything "outside" of us as really being "us" and really being "inside" of "us", and not "outside" of "us", and by including in that definition of "who we are" all that exists, both "outside" and "inside" of us, that we don't currently see as existing "outside" of us, which includes "God" and all of "God's stuff", and all of the original Creation of God, accepting all of it as in truth defining "who we are", and all of it in truth existing both within us, and as us, not "outside" of us and "separate from" us in any way, shape, or manner.

And all of it in truth existing as "seeds" of something else within us, as the sweet taste of the apple is hidden within the apple, which is hidden within the apple tree, which is hidden within the apple seed, which is hidden within the earth, which was previously hidden within the apple.

For in a very beautiful way,

          "We are what we think,
          so think good thoughts,
          and good things will happen."

D.  Be of Service - take moral action:

Yes, make our actions and our words into One, and thereby remove our hypocrisies, our "saying one thing while doing another", our "keeping one thing in our heart while another is on our lips", which seems to be the real villain in our life, destroying us piece by piece, and eventually destroying our children.

For truly,

          "What truly destroys the child is the hypocrisy of the parents."

For example, we destroy our children, we destroy their love and trust in God, by saying to our children that we love and trust in God, all the while showing our children in our every action that in truth we love and trust in everything other than God, in ourselves, in our education, in our wealth, in our family, in our friends, in our relationships, in our religion, in our status or class, in our accomplishments, in our influence, in science, in lawyers, in doctors, in medicine, in our body, in land, in men and women, and in gold.

E. Have An Idea - of how things could be better: 

And then let our life be the implementation of that idea, for all to see, no matter how popular or unpopular the idea may be. In this way, letting our own life truly be the answer to all of our questions.

For example, ideas like,

1)  "One with" is better than "separate from".

The realization that the real flaw in our life, in all life that we are currently experiencing, is not "what" we do but rather "how" we do "what" we do, and that what we have become in our ignorance of our own reality is a life of "separation and differences", a life that we are currently living with our brothers and sisters in the world that we collectively see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, a life of "separation from" God, of "separation from" each other, and of "separation from" the Creation of God. 

This is the "Elephant in the room" that we fail to see as we try to tidy up the room and entertain our friends.

This is "how" we are currently living, "separate from", and all of the "what" of our life, what we do in our life, like getting married, having children, having a job, accumulating wealth, property, or power, helping others, praying to God, being a good person, talking to people or writing books or managing a successful company, all naturally flows out of this "how" of our life, out of our "separation and differences", out of the belief that we exist "separate from" God, "separate from" each other, and "separate from" the Creation of God, "separate from" the world and all of the people and things that we currently see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us.

And nothing will ever change in our life, in any of our lives, nothing of our current "what" will ever change in our life, until our current "how" changes.

Nothing of the current "what" of our life that naturally flows out of the current "how" of our life will ever change until our current "how" changes, including the "what" of our current "how" that causes us to treat other people as "separate from" us, that causes us to go to war in the name of God, that cause us to eat while our neighbor goes hungry, that cause us to work very, very hard to protect our wife, children, and family, our race and religion, our country, while doing great harm to the wife, children, family, race and religion, and country of others.

Nothing of the current "what" of our life will change, until we change the "how" of our life, until the theme of our life becomes "One with" rather than "separate from", until the reality of our life becomes "One with" God, "One with" each other, and "One with" the Creation of God, all of which in truth is "inside" of us, not "outside" of us, all of which in truth "is us", not "separate from" us.

Such is the only real flaw in our life, our having become "separate from" God, "separate from" each other", and "separate from" the Creation of God, and this flaw will only be removed when we come to understand it, because that is why it is there in the first place, understanding.  May we all know this now, and start to act accordingly.  May God help us in this effort.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. So Be It, So Be It, O Ruler of the Universes.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  So Be It, So Be It, Most Merciful One.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  So Be It, So Be It, Most Compassionate One.
Al-hamdu lillah.  All praise and praising belong to God and to God alone.
Allahu Akbar.  Only God is Great.

2)  Everything Is Within Us And We Are Within Everything. 

And as such, we are all One. One within the other as One.  And we are also what transcends everything.  And we are also what moves from being One with everything to being One with what transcends everything, and as such we are Three, the "Three of Us" within the "Three of God", we are the - Disciple, the Shaikh, and God - within God, within the "Three of God", within - the Power, the Essence of Everything, and Everything, within - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen, within - God, True Man, and Creation.

Such is the true mature of the Creation, of True Man, and of God, the path from God to True Man and from True Man to God, the path of stillness to movement and from movement to stillness, first becoming the Creation, then the flower of Creation, and then becoming the path, the hummingbird, which has incredible movement so it can stand perfectly still, and draws its nourishment from the flower, from the flower of Creation, then becoming the nourishment, which is the grace of God, the power within the essence of everything.

3)  Life Is Movement, Not The Passing of Time. 

Life is One revealing the others within it, as One hides itself within the Ones being revealed, patiently waiting to be revealed again by the Ones who have been revealed.  For example, "man enters the woman as the father and comes out as the child, patiently waiting within the child for the man to be revealed again". 

And, "God enters His Creation as God and comes out as man, patiently waiting within man for True Man to be revealed within the Creation of God, by God, and for God to be revealed again, within the Creation of True Man, by True Man."

4)  Success In Life Is True Movement, Not How We Make Time Pass

Success in life is moving forward to completion what God is doing within man, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, so True Man can reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us. 

Success is not what "we" think is happening in our illusory life "outside" of us, what "we" believe in our arrogance, karma, and illusion, is going on "outside" of us, what in our dream life is occurring through the passing of time "outside" of us, through the repeated passing of the 4 seasons, which in truth are all occurring within us, and are under our control, or what in our ignorance we are doing with our brothers and sisters on the "outside" of us, like making a contribution to the world, like helping others, like becoming wealth or powerful, like raising a family, like becoming successful, or living the good life.

And what God is doing within man is getting man to "revealing God again", is finishing what God has started within man, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God, which is what Adam (peace be upon Him) is all about, and when completed, when True Man and the Creation of True Man comes to maturity within us, which is akhirah or the hereafter within us, to get True Man to revealing God within the Creation of True Man within us.

What God is about within man is revealing God again, from within the Creation of True Man, from within what God has started to reveal within man, which is True Man and the Creation of True Man, to reveal True Man from within His Creation, when He entered His Creation as God and came out as man, which in maturity is True Man within us, and the Creation of True Man within us. 

This is "who we are", we are True Man happening, we are the "Seed of True Man", the "Seed of Iman" or absolute faith, certitude, and determination that "God alone exists", we are man coming to maturity within us as True Man and the Creation of True Man, as an apple seed is the "seed of the apple tree", which in maturity is the apple tree and the Creation of the apple tree: the tap root, the trunk, the branches, the leaves and flowers, and the mature fruits on the apple tree. 

And this is "where we are", we are buried within man, within what God gave birth to and came out of as man, when He entered His Creation as God and came out of as a man, waiting for that man to come to maturity as True Man and the Creation of True Man, waiting for God to appear again within the Creation of True Man, as the apple seed entered the earth, is buried within the earth, and once it awakens to itself, then comes out of the earth as the apple tree and the Creation of the apple tree.

And if we give up our "outside" life for our "inside" life, before we die, then we too will come out of our earth as the "Tree of Man", as True Man and the Creation of True Man, as what will come to maturity within us when the "Seed of Us" germinates, when the "Seed of Us" realizes, understands, accepts, and joins with its true heritage, its true destiny, and the "Tree of Us" is revealed, comes to maturity within us, within the Creation of God within us, which is this earth world or dunya, as True Man and the Creation of True Man.

And then enters His Creation as True Man and comes out as god, as "Little G", as God without an understanding of God, waiting for God to come to maturity as God with an understanding of God, as "Big G", as God and the Creation of God, waiting for True Man to appear again within the Creation of God, and in this way, completing again the Cycle of God-Man/Man-God.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

This is our eternal life that transcends all death within us, that comes from true movement within us, not from false movement "outside" of us, which is a temporal life of the passing of time which only is leading "us" to death, is leading us to the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) and to all that is associated with the Angel of Death (peace be upon Him) within us, a temporal life which is our current state, opening us up to a life of rebirth, as an apple seed that fails to germinate becomes subject to multiple births. 

For example, the apple seed buried within the earth, that awakens to itself and germinates, before its death in the earth, becomes eternal, becomes the essence of life within all trees, while the apple seed that fails to germinate in the earth, before it dies, stays temporal, becoming subject to repeated births. 

And a man living in the world "outside" of himself, that awaken to himself and germinates, that surrenders to what God is doing within Him, which is to finish revealing True Man within the Creation of God within him, and that surrenders to what True Man in maturity will then do within him, which is to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within him, before his death in the world "outside" of him, becomes eternal, becomes the essence of life within all lives, becomes in maturity True Man within the Creation of God within him, and God within the Creation of True Man within him.

In this way, becomes in maturity the "Oneness of God and True Man" within him, which in truth is God and True Man within us, while a man who fails to awaken to himself and germinate to his own reality within himself, before he dies in the world "outside" of himself, stays temporal, becoming subject to 105 million rebirths.

5)  Faith And Trust In God Is Better Than Faith And Trust In The World. 

Faith and trust in God "inside" of us, and in the "stuff of God" within us, that is always there within us, and never changes within us, and is always ready to be accessed within us, through our faith and trust in God within us, no matter how we may envision Him within us, and "His stuff" within us, and our relationship with Him and "His stuff" within us, is better than faith and trust in the world "outside" of us, and in the "stuff of the world" outside of us, that always comes and goes "outside" of us, and is always changing "outside" of us.

F.  Being 70 Years Young - and ready to start again:

The ability to continually re-invent yourself, over and over again, as you learn from your experiences, and from the experiences of other, and it is never too late to start all over again, to pick up something truly new, if we have but the courage to truly put down what we are now carrying.


          "You can only pick up something as truly new
          if you are willing to put down something as truly old."

Or said another way,

          "There is no true birth without a true death,
          and there is no true death without a true birth,
          everything else, all other kinds of coming and going,
          is just a dream."
                                                                                                                                  - go to outline
3.  A Little Bit About Louie - about what he has been doing for the last 64 years.

My dearest loving sister, like you this child has also been on a journey for the last 64 years, and counting, living for the last 28 years at the feet of a wise and holy saint, His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).

So who am I? Who is Louie? A worldly answer is very easy. I have lived in America all my life, as did my parents, and I am of German and Irish ancestry.  I was raised Catholic and I graduated from Villanova University in 1962 with a BS Degree In Electrical Engineering.

I also graduated from Temple University in 1972 with a Masters Degree in Special Education, and again from Villanova University in 1987 with a Masters Degree in Computer Science. I was a Captain in the United States Marine Corps, and served my country during the John F. Kennedy administration, and participated in the successful resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

I have worked in America for 36 years as an Engineer, Salesmen, Teacher, Computer Programmer, Manager, and then as a Computer Specialist for Unisys Corporation for 18 years, finally ending up as the "Road Man" for a local house painter, gradually becoming a mother to 25 house painters, attending to their every need, which turned out to be the best job of my life, a job where "Lou" again became "Louie".

And now I have retired, and I devote all of my time to the pursuit of a better definition of "who I am", of "who God is", and of my true relationship with God within me, just as you have my dearest loving sister.
                                                                                                                                  - go to outline
4. A Little Bit About Our Age - about the reason for any of us living in this age, and about the gift of God for our age, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, that God has hidden within all of the Children of God for this age, which is all of us living in this age, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, whether we want it or not, as our true heritage, as our true birth right, as the true destiny of our soul, as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us

As for a spiritual answer to "who is Louie", the answer is also very easy. I met His Holiness, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) in the summer of 1975 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in America, when I was 36 years old, and have been absorbed in His life and teaching for the last 28 years, a life and teaching that fits so beautifully with the life and teaching that you gave us a glimpse of in your 3 hour interview on March 2, and thank God, a life and teaching that also goes beyond it, goes beyond what you shared.  That goes beyond it in a way that only one who has gone beyond it could share. 

Such is the gift of having met Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) on the "outside" of us, a guide for our life, the light for the path of faith within us, that if we like, will take us to the truth of God hidden within our wisdom within us, bringing peace to our life.

For as His Holiness teaches us, in the book, "The Wisdom of Man", and reproduced on the back cover,

          "Wisdom is the light to guide your path,
          faith is the path, truth is God,
          and understanding this is peace."

Such is the gift of having met Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) on the "outside" of us, the finger pointing to the relationship of God and True Man within us, to the light of our wisdom that guides us on the path of our faith, to the truth of God hidden by God within our wisdom, but even more importantly is having met Him "inside" of us, within my own life, as the higher self within each of us, and as the power of God within my higher self, as our wisdom and the wisdom within our wisdom, as our direct connection to the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, as our direct connection to the truth of God hidden by God within our wisdom.

Yes, we most certainly met His Holiness "outside" of us, and lived in His physical presence for almost 12 years, from 1975 to 1986, and that was truly an amazing experience, but what is definitely more important than any "outside" meeting, is that while He was with us physically, we have also met His Holiness on the "inside" of us, before He died.

In this way, we have truly met His Holiness within our very own life, and continue to live with His Holiness within our very own heart and consciousness, within our daily life of living in the world, of dealing with the illusory world "outside" of us, by turning to God within us, and in this way, by making "my life" into "His life", by putting what is in "my hand" into "His hand", by turning to the "stuff of God" within us to deal with the world "outside" of us, by turning to our wisdom, and the truth of God within our wisdom, to deal with "us" as "separate from" God, by turning to our Shaikh within us, and to God within Him, to move forward what God has started within us, before we die, which is "us" as "One with" God, and in this way, by becoming increasingly aware of the real world "inside" of us.

And that experience of "God" within us, of "God's Stuff" within us, and of "What God is doing" within us moving forward within us, is beyond any amazing experience, even the amazing experience of being with Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) on the "outside" of us.

For that experience is the salvation of our soul, and the true success of our life, the success of letting our "wisdom reason over our fate", of letting the qualities of our "inside" become victorious over the qualities of our "outside", that will never leave this child, that will never leave your loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), a name which His Holiness gave this child in 1980 when we visited His Holiness in Sri Lanka (formally Ceylon).

Which was the home of His Holiness for 85 years before His coming to America in 1971, and for His Holiness intermittently for the next 15 years, with His Holiness moving between Sri Lanka and America, from 1971 to 1986, alternating between Sri Lanka and America every 2 or 3 years, attending to His children in both countries until His death in 1986.

For the "outside" of Him is now gone but the true gift of such an "outside" Teacher or Wise Man for each age, is still here, and will never leave any of us living in this age, whether we met Him "outside" or not, if we have but the faith in God to pick it up.

For as one of the Companions of the Prophet, Abu Bakar (peace be upon Him), told the grieving people of Mecca and Medina at the time of the death of the Prophet
(Sal.) in 632 AD,

          "For those who have worshipped Muhammad, Muhammad is dead,
          But for those who worship God, Muhammad lives."

(Note: His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) died on December 8, 1986 in America, and He is buried in a small rural village, about a 1 hours drive from the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in America.  All are welcome at both the grave site of His Holiness, over which a beautiful Shrine or Mazar has been constructed by His Children, and at the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship in Philadelphia.  Please click on the following Web Site for the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship in Philadelphia:
, to learn more about visiting the grave site of His Holiness, and visiting the many Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowships which His Holiness established throughout America, and Canada, as well as about purchasing books, and audio and/or video tape cassettes on the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen [Ral.])

For the true gift of the "outside" of God for each age is the "inside" of God for each age, the true gift is for each of us in this age to meet Him and to be with Him within ourselves, as the True Teacher or Shaikh of God within each of us for our age, as the Guardian of our soul, as what can successfully "do battle with the enemy of our soul" within us.

Can successfully do battle with the "enemy of our soul" which in truth is each of "us" living as "separate from" God within us, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, which in truth is the state of our current life, our current life of "separation and differences" that we are all currently experiencing with our brothers and sisters in the world that we collectively see in our ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.

Which in truth is but our fate, our karma, and our false destiny, which in truth is but the stage upon which our lessons of life must be learned, becoming our funeral pyre when we die, if we have wasted our time on this stage, if we have failed to learn our lessons before we die, if we have failed to establish our direct connection with God within us, by establishing our direct connection with the "Stuff of God" within us, with our wisdom and the truth of God for our age, with our Shaikh within us and with God within Him, in order to liberate our soul from the "enemy of our soul", before we die.

Allowing our soul to make its way back into the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, as the "understanding" of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and of True Man within us, which is the earth world or dunya within us, and the hereafter or akhirah or kingdom of God within the dunya within us.

And in this way, to meet the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within ourselves, and join with Him within us, with the Guru of God for our age within us, with our Shaikh within us, and God within Him, in what They are doing within us, which is to finish revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, and in this way, to join with what True Man in maturity is doing within Them within us, which is revealing God within the Creation of True Man within us, completing in this way the cycle of God-Man/God-Man within us, of God revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us and of True Man revealing God within the Creation of True Man within us.

Which is the only true point of Their coming into the world in our age, of Them appearing both "outside" of us, for some of us, and within each of us, for all of us, and the only true point of any of us living in this age, the only true purpose of our life, of any of our lives, the only true purpose of all life living in this age, which is to join with God within us to complete God's intention within us, before it is too late, to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, before we die.

And before the "outside" of all of us is prematurely destroyed by one of us, which can occur if the "beast" that is coming to maturity within each of us comes to maturity and comes out of at least "one of us", before True Man that is also coming to maturity within each of us, comes out of at least "one of us".

My dearest loving sister Susan Sontag, such is the only purpose of any of us living in this age, for True Man to come out of the Creation of God within at least "one of us" before the "beast" comes out of the Creation of God within at least "one of us", and in this way, saving all of us, in this way, ushering in the hereafter or akhirah or the kingdom of God for all of us.  Such is the only purpose of the life of each one of us, whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not, and whether we want it or not. 

And the Golden Rule of God for all of this, for moving forward what God is doing both "inside" and "outside" of each of us, is as follows:

          1)  The Justice of God must become the Justice of Kings.
          2)  The Justice of Kings must become the Justice of Man.
          3)  The Justice of Man must become the Justice of Conscience.

As was the case for the people of all previous ages, and for the coming into the world of Abraham, of Ishmael, of Moses, of David, of Jesus, and of Muhammad (may God be pleased with all of His Prophets), and of God within each of Them, in Their respective ages (from 2000 BC to 600 AD), each progressively ushering in and establishing the age known as the "Justice of God becomes the Justice of Kings".

The "Justice of Kings" which we in our age call the Divine Right of Kings, Sovereign States, and Monarchies, which moved forward the intention of God from the time of the Prophet of God known as Abraham (peace be upon Him) through the time of the Prophet of God known as Muhammad (may the peace and blessing of God be upon Him), which brought that age to completion, and prepared the way for the next age.

And for the coming into the world of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) in 1000 AD, and of God within Him, who peacefully conquered Baghdad as the "Flower of Wisdom" in that age, ushering in and establishing the age known as the "Justice of Kings becoming the Justice of Man".

The "Justice of Man" which we in our age call Democracy, The Rule of Law, and Human Right, first appearing in Europe between 1000 AD and 1500 AD, and in England with organized resistance with the Monarchies of England, and becoming universally established in America in 1776, through a revolution with Britain, and then spreading through revolutions, but mostly through example, to many countries in Europe, only becoming firmly established in Europe after the first and second world wars.

And of most significance for our age, failing to become established in most Islamic countries in the world until recently, keeping most of the Islamic countries within the age of the "Justice of Kings", with many of them becoming, because of their lack of being in sync with the movement of God, Empires that are ruled by the "In-justice of Kings".

And in this way, in each age, the gift of God was placed within all of the Children of God for that age, and then appeared on the "outside" of some of them, so they could all go in search of it on the "inside" of them, and if found, use Them within each of them, to successfully "reason over their fate", to reason over the fate of all living in that age, to reason over all who would accept Them within themselves in that age, as the gift of God for their age, for the Children of God for that age, as the life and teaching of God for their age.

Allowing God to complete what God had started within all of the Children of God for each age, allowing Them to reveal True Man within the Creation of God, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, within the Children of God for each age, first occurring in the "Age of Abraham and Moses" (peace be upon Them) between 2000 BC to 0 BC, culminating in 1000 BC with the coming into the world of the Prophet
d (peace be upon Him) followed in 0 BC by the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon Him), with David (A.S.) representing True Man within the Creation of God, as the Ruler over all of the Creation of God, and Jesus (A.S.) representing God within the Creation of True Man, as the "Son" of God with no physical father, having entered His mother not as sperm but as the "ray of light" from God, as the virgin birth.

As revealed through the lineage of Abraham and the Mother of Isaac (peace be upon Him), the third son of Abraham (A.S.), as the House of David and within it the purified heart of Jesus (peace be upon Him).  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

Next occurring in the "Age of Jesus and Muhammad" (peace be upon Them) between 0 AD to 2000 AD, culminating in 1000 AD with the coming into the world of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) followed in 2000 AD by His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), with Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani ((Ral.) representing True Man within the Creation of God, as the "Muhaiyaddeen" of God, the "Giver of Life back to True Belief", and Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) representing God within the Creation of True Man, as "Iman", as absolute faith, certitude, and determination that "God alone exists", as the complete acceptance that "God is One".

As revealed through the lineage of Abraham (A.S.) and the Mother of Ishmael (peace be upon Him), the second son of Abraham (peace be upon Him), as the Palace of the Soul, the House of Wisdom, and within it the light of wisdom know as the Nur Muhammad.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

And now occurring in our age, in the "Age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral) and the
Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(Ral.)" between 1886 AD to 2086 AD, culminating in 1986 AD with the death of His Holiness, and with the coming into the world of the
Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with each of Us).

With Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) representing True Man within the Creation of God for our age, as the "Guru of God", and the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), which is each of us living in this age, representing God within the Creation of True Man for our age, as the final manifestation of the "Son" of God, as the "Presence of God" in the world, before the "Final Destruction".

Before either in our ignorance of "who we are", we are "destroyed", when the "beast" or "False Man" that is growing and coming to maturity within each of us comes out of at least one of us, and prematurely destroys the "outside" of all of us, before True Man that is also growing within each of us can come to maturity and come out of at least one of us, destroying in this way any chance of any of us getting it right before we die.

Or through our understanding of "who we are", the "beast is destroyed within at least one of us, and True Man does come to maturity and come out of at least one of us, before the "beast" comes out of any of us, allowing True Man to destroy the "beast" when it does eventually come out of at least one of us, allowing True Man, having destroyed the "beast" within all of us, to then usher in the hereafter for all of us.

For all of us who have not in the process of living our life exclusively "outside" of us, failing to establish a life of faith, of wisdom, and of 'ilm or divine knowledge within us, by joining in partnership with the life and teaching of God for our age, with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) both "inside" and "outside" of us, have become the food of the "beast" outside of us when he finally does came out of "one of us", and as a result go the way of the "beast" outside of us, which is down the birth canal, becoming subject to 105 million rebirths within us, all occurring before the "beast" outside of us is finally destroyed by True Man outside of us.

With all of this being revealed through the lineage of Abraham (peace be upon Him) and the Mother of the first Son of Abraham, which is Iman, or absolution faith, certitude, and determination in God, which is Abraham (peace be upon Him) in the pit of fire, all of this being revealed through the unbroken lineage of Adam (peace be upon Him) and God within each of us living in this age, through the lineage of Adam (peace be upon Him) which God created with no mother and with no father, as a demonstration of the power of God that lies beyond His Creation. Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar. 

Such is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) for our age, both inside and outside of us, and the life and teaching of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with  each of Us) for our age, both inside and outside of us, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us in this age, as our birthright, as our true heritage, as the life and teaching of God for our age, for the Children of God for our age, which is everyone living in this age.

That allows each of us, if we wish, to properly finish, to properly end, what we have all started in ignorance in our life, which is "us" as "separate from" God, when we come to realize, understand, and accept, without the slightest doubt, that only God can finish our life, only God can finish what He stated, only God can finish what we in our ignorance have started in our life, can finish, can bring to an end, can end "us" as "separate from" God, by "us" allowing God within us, by "us" joining with our wisdom, and with the truth of God within our wisdom, by "us" joining with our Shaikh within us, and with God within Him, to allow God to finish what God in His understanding has also started within our life, which is "us" as "One with" God, which is True Man within the Creation of God within us.

And when we come to realize, understand, and accept, also without the slightest doubt, that He can only do this Divine Work within each of us, when our life and His life become One.

(Note: for more on the Three Sons of Abraham (peace be upon Him) please click on the following: Spiritual Letter 20, to author M. Stanton Evans, and Spiritual Letter 23, to my loving sister Rumi Smith, which have the following URL or Web Addresses: www.SpiritualLetter020.homestead.com, and www.SpiritualLetter023.homestead.com)

This is the great secret of our life, of each of our lives, and of our age, my dearest loving sister Susan Sontag, the "Oneness of God and True Man" within each of us, which in truth is God and True Man within us, which could only come to maturity within any of us, as it now can, as the "Final Chapter in the Story of True Man within the Story of God", in this age, in this age of the "Justice of Conscience or Wisdom", the age known as "Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.) and the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen

In this age which is the age of the wisdom of God, and the truth of God within our wisdom, when True Man comes to maturity within us, within the Creation of God within us, within this earth world or dunya within us, if that be our intention, becoming in this way, the "Seed of God", the "Seed of Islam" within us, through which True Man within us sets out to reveal God within the Creation of True Man, within akhirah or the hereafter within us.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

(Note: to learn a little bit more about His Holiness, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), in America, from 1971 until His passing in 1986, and in Sri Lanka (previously Ceylon), from 1886 to 1971, please click on the following Home Page for the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA:
.  Also, please click on the following: The Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library,
to access the Home Page (top-down version) for the Web Site being developed by this child, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), which includes this and other Spiritual Letters, and which provides on-line material on both the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), and of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), and has the following URL or Web Address: www.BawaMuhaiyaddeenLibrary.homestead.com)

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving sister Susan Sontag.  You are a very good sister.  Never doubt that.  Your loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

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This page was last updated on: April 26, 2003